Thursday, September 30, 2010


The issue of the genocide in Darfur is a matter of international concern; and is also a significant issue in United States politics. Members of the different anti-genocide coalitions demanded within the last year that the Obama administration appoint a genocide task force. After a lot of campaigning, the Obama administration did create a task force. Though this is a good step, the task force has not been successful, and has not really accomplished anything. This is similar to the international reaction to the Darfur conflict, which frankly has been rather pathetic.  It would be incredibly easy for an international task force to end the genocide in Darfur, especially the United States, but so far none have put in the effort to save millions.
What continues to amaze me is how unaware large parts of the public really are about the issue of genocide. The amounts of apathy are massive, and completely awful. Though no one I have met supports the issue of genocide, and all say it is terrible, only small numbers of the population are actually doing anything to make a difference. The amazing thing is the smallest amount of money or aid can go a long way in the countries that are suffering from genocide. The smallest donations can provide donkeys and carts, or even firewood, which would be a huge help to these women. It is most often that women are attacked by the Janjaweed militia is when they are out gathering firewood or other supplies in an attempt to provide for their families.
While the US is involved in the Middle East in conflicts over oil, millions are suffering from the effects of genocide in Darfur. This is one place US should be involved, where basic human rights are being violated. Where families are torn apart, immense amounts of violence are occurring, rape is being used as a weapon of war, millions are displaced from their homes, and thousands are dying. If the US and other world powers would get involved to help end this issue, millions could be saved. People need to get involved and help out. There are so many ways we can become better educated about this conflict, and stand up for the victims of genocide to make a change.