Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blogs to Follow

Interested in being informed on important issues? Check out some of my classmates blogs, especially:
 I read this blog multiple times, as it is very informative and interesting. The health care debate has been a huge national issue, and this blog does a great job of breaking the controversial debate down, and explaining simply why health care is necessary, without large amounts of bias.
  This is another great blog to read if you want to stay informed on national issues. It presents a clear argument, talking about an issue that is also very controversial, remains relatively neutral, and explains exactly why there is reform needed on Immigration Laws.
   I really enjoyed reading this blog. It is informative and the writer is deeply involved in his topic. It clearly presents information, while at the same time remaining neutral about a complex issue. This is a great blog to follow if you want to learn more about the current Holy War, and international issue that could greatly effect us all.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Extending Reading: Links Post

Education, and making sure the general public understand what is taking place in Darfur is is an essential step to combating genocide and ending the violence. To further educate yourself on the genocide in Darfur, check out the links below. 

The violence in Darfur is unimaginable, and many people struggle to comprehend how awful the situation in Darfur is. Rape (, murder based on ethnicity or tribe, massive displacement and destruction continue to occur. Be aware of these statistics: Understanding what is happening will go a long way in motivation people to get involved.

It is essential to understand both noninterventionist and interventionist sides of the issue of genocide in Darfur, as both these movements have a huge influence of governmental policy. Check out these sides, over the right reasons to get involved, or “precautionary principles” ( , and how interventionists feel the US should be involved, as one of the only countries capable of ending the problem (,13190,NI_1204_Intervene,00.html)

  In allowing genocide to occur, we are only setting up an environment where genocide can continue to occur. This link sets up this argument about the environment, where examples of how similar violence in Rwanda and in Darfur (  are, and how the violence in Darfur is spilling into Chad ( shows how the cycle of genocide is perpetuated, and will continue if we don’t make our best effort to stop the violence while we can.

Responsibility to protect ( is a policy that is a motivation factor behind both interventionists and non-interventionists. It deals with the debate over whether it is our moral responsibility to get involved, or if it is against the rights of state sovereignty ($File/IRRC_852_Kioko.pdf

There are so many different things, both large and small contributions that could make a huge difference in the lives of victims of human rights violations. Check out this site to learn more about what you can do to get involved: Send an email, make a donation, or learn more about the conflict.