Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Implications: An Environment Built for Genocide

     If the sides of intervention and non-intervention do not find common ground and continue to be incapable of working together to find a solution to the problem of genocide, there will be a multitude of negative implications. If we do not stand up, and put a definite end to this cycle or history of genocide, we are only enabling corrupt rulers, and perpetuating an environment in which human rights violation and genocide can occur. The violence in Darfur will continue, with victims suffering from rape, mass murder, displacement, and many other atrocities.
     One of the contributing factors of the genocide in Darfur was a spill over from violence in Rwanda. Due to this evidence, it is likely that the violence in Darfur will have a highly negative impact into neighboring countries. For example, many victims of the violence in Darfur have fled to Chad, just as the victims in Rwanda fled to Sudan.
      If we do not make a conscious effort to end the violence and stop the cycle of genocide, we will lose a multitude of innocent lives, and perpetuate an environment, a world that fosters violence and genocide. Step up and make a change while we still have a chance to make a difference.


  1. To be perfectly honest, i did not think that it could spill into other countries, but you are absolutely right, the environment many of these people live in help to create this issue. It is all they know and they fight violence with just more violence, which does not solve anything. A stop to this is needed for the betterment of many nations. Do you think Chad will be the next to fall? or do you think it will effect many countries at once? It is something that needs to be looked into. With so many issues on the table right not, i feel as though it has been put on the back burner, even though so many people are dying. As the issue gains recognition, people will have to take notice.

  2. I agree, I feel this issue has not had enough coverage, and the government has not been as proactive as they could be. If the violence continues in Darfur, it is incredibly likely that problems will come up in neighboring countries. With millions of refugees fleeing to Chad, violence has already started to spread. If we continue to do nothing to stop the problem, we can look forward to a future and an environment where genocide is a common issue.
