Monday, October 18, 2010

Take Action, Email Obama

Check out some of these images from Sudan.
Sudan is a country that has been torn apart by violence. Not only is there fighting occurring between non-Arabian and Arabian tribes in Darfur, there is also immense amounts of violence occurring throughout the country. For many years, a civil war has been taking place between the Arabian North Sudan and the mainly non-Arabian South Sudan. Though there are relaxed tensions in this moment, that is likely to change very soon. On January 9th, Southern Sudan will vote in a referendum, on whether or not they would like to be a separate country from Northern Sudan, and Omar al-Bashir's corrupt government. However, this situation is a ticking time bomb, as both the north and south are preparing for war. If both sections slip back into civil war, millions of civilians will be at a risk for major human rights violations, and more killings based on ethnicity. Here's my suggestion, get involved, and send an email to President Obama, encouraging him to take action, and help keep peace between northern and southern Sudan. It will literally take you less than five minutes. Though financial and military aid would be an excellent step to protecting human rights, they are not necessary to getting involved. Get involved send an email, get your friends to send an email, have your voice heard, and take five minutes to stand up and make a change.

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