Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Empathize: Possible?

http://blogfordarfur.org/archives/5931: Here is a testimony of a victim of genocide.

Sometimes it is incredibly difficult to empathize, and understand what the victims of genocide are experiencing. Here in the United States, we live in a very cushioned world. Never have we, and probably never will, experienced first-hand the effects of genocide. But I encourage everyone to try and understand, to contemplate, how millions of humans are suffering at the hand of an incredibly corrupt government. I really do think a lack of empathy is a huge problem in ending the cycle of genocide. If we go on living our lives without empathizing, without recognizing the horrors taking place, nothing will ever change. I know if I was directly effected by genocide, I would want a country that is capable of intervening to stop the violence. So, take a minute, empathize, and do what you can to make a difference.

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